Shopify to simPRO (One-way) Integration FAQs

Shopify to simPRO (One-way) Integration FAQs

This document addresses the variety of questions we encounter while helping clients. If you have a question that’s not addressed here please write to us at

How does the integration between Shopify and simPRO work?
The integration connects your Shopify online store with simPRO's ERP/Job Management system, enabling seamless data flow and automation between the two platforms. Orders placed on Shopify are automatically converted into jobs in simPRO, ensuring efficient scheduling and resource allocation.

Can I automatically allocate and reserve stock with this integration?
Yes, absolutely! The integration allows for real-time stock allocation and reservation. As orders are placed on your Shopify store, the integration automatically updates the inventory levels in simPRO, ensuring accurate stock management and preventing overselling.

Will this integration improve my operational efficiency?
Yes, integrating Shopify with simPRO significantly improves operational efficiency. Manual processing tasks are eliminated, reducing errors and streamlining workflows. Orders flow seamlessly into simPRO, eliminating duplicate data entry and enabling faster order processing.

How does this integration prevent missed orders?
With the integration in place, there is no need for manual processing, reducing the chances of missed or delayed orders. Orders placed on Shopify are automatically captured and processed, minimizing the risk of human error or oversight.

Technical Details:

How often does the integration synchronize data between Shopify and simPRO?
The synchronization frequency depends on your configuration settings and preferences. Typically, the integration allows for real-time or near real-time data synchronization to ensure that information remains up-to-date across both platforms.  The trigger is the receipt of online order in Shopify.  This then creates the job in simPRO new instantly within minutes.

How often does the integration synchronize data between Shopify and simPRO?
The synchronization frequency depends on your configuration settings and preferences. Typically, the integration allows for real-time or near real-time data synchronization to ensure that information remains up-to-date across both platforms.  The trigger is the receipt of online order in Shopify.  This then creates the job in simPRO.

Can I choose the Cost Center for where the jobs are created ?
Yes During setup you can choose the default Cost center where jobs would be created.

What Modules does the integration connect ? 
Orders and Jobs:  Shopify orders to simPRO jobs. When a customer places an order on your Shopify store, the integration automatically creates a corresponding job in simPRO, capturing all relevant order details and preparing it for scheduling and allocation.
Stock and Inventory:  The integration synchronizes stock and inventory information between Shopify and simPRO. As orders are placed on Shopify, the integration updates the stock levels in simPRO in real-time, ensuring accurate inventory management. This allows you to maintain accurate stock availability and prevent overselling.
Customer and Contact Information: The integration enables the seamless exchange of customer and contact information between Shopify and simPRO. When an order is received on Shopify, customer details are automatically captured and stored in simPRO, facilitating consistent customer management and communication across both platforms.
Product and Pricing: The integration ensures the selection of the correct SKUs and parts in the Job. Where an exact match part number is not found the integration creates a new item in simPRO with the Shopify details allowing it to be updated in the future.

Pricing and Support:

What is the pricing for this integration ? 
Pricing for all our integrations is available on the SyncEzy integration portal here:

What kind of support is available ?
We offer three support channels: 

Chat - Live Chat (24x5 support) from within your integration portal.  

Phone - #1 for Support
AUS: +61 2 9136 9448 
NZ: +64 9 303 2999 
UK: +44 203 670 1109
US: +1 720 500 9302

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