The Plan Details tab is a summary of your current subscription status. Below is a brief explanation of each text box.
Customer Name
This is the name you signed up with on the integrations portal.
Customer Email
This is the email you signed up with on the integrations portal
Plan Name
This is your integration plan name.
Plan Code
This is the code we use internally and it is related to the plan name.
Plan Price
This will show the amount you paid for the integration, depending on the plan tier and how long you have chosen to subscribe for.
Interval of Subscription and Interval - unit of subscription
These two fields are related and specify how many months or years you have opted to subscribe for.
Next Bill Date
This field specifies the next date you will be billed for the subscription.
Subscription Status
This field specifies whether your integration is live/trial or in other status.
Subscription ID and Subscription Number
These two fields are the references to your subscription. If you have any issues with your subscription, you can give either of these to SyncEzy's support team to help you check.