This document addresses the variety of questions we encounter while helping clients. If you have a question that’s not addressed her please write to us at support@syncezy.com
Please also visit our Integration Menu Overview article to learn more about each and every menu of this integration.
Technical Details - Initial Setup
Where do I login to change settings / setup the integration?
Login link to the SyncEzy integrations portal: integrations.syncezy.com
Can I choose which QuickBooks Workforce projects to sync to Google Drive?
Yes. The integration Portal has a configuration settings area where this can be configured. You can sync projects from multiple QuickBooks Workforce Companies to a single Google Drive account. Or have multiple app subscriptions and connect them to different Google Drive accounts.
Can you support multiple companies in QuickBooks Workforce?
Yes. We can connect Projects from multiple QuickBooks Workforce companies to a single organization’s Google Drive Team folder.
Anything that is supported by the QuickBooks Workforce API can be extracted, and we are constantly adding to this list at all times. If you have any special requirements that are not covered reach out to us at
As of the current time the following data from QuickBooks Workforce is extracted:
- timesheets
- Custom fields
- deleted _ timesheets
- employee
- groups
- Job codes
- jobcodes_assignment
- locations
- Time_off_requests
Can geolocations be pulled from QuickBooks Workforce?
Yes, geolocations (location-based timestamps from timesheets) can be pulled from QuickBooks Workforce and saved in Google Drive. Note that QuickBooks Wokforce collects a lot of geolocation points so this data table can be enormous.
Where is the data saved in Google Drive?
The data is saved in a new Top Level Folder in your Google Drive account.
Go to Google Drive
(1): Look for a New Folder called : QuickBooks Workforce in the top level Root Directory for Google Drive.
If you have recently connected the integration, it can take up to 15 minutes for the first folder to appear and then up to 24 to 48 hours or longer for the initial sync to complete (depending on the amount of data in your QuickBooks Workforce Project). Roughly at the rate of 900 files per hour.
If you have less than 5 GB of data in QuickBooks Workforce, typically the initial sync should take less than 24 hours to complete.
For example a 50 GB Project can take upto 5 days for the initial sync to complete. This is due to throttling limits from QuickBooks Workforce and Google Drive.
Can multiple people use the integration?
Yes, we do not restrict the number of users, once we sync the data into a Google Drive all of your Google Drive users can have access to the data. You can control different levels of access within Google Drive. Only the administrator needs to login to SyncEzy.
Can I change the Folder structure in Google Drive?
Yes, you can change the folder structure inside a Project. At this stage, you cannot change the first three levels of the folder structure.
I connected both of my accounts but I can’t see any files in Google Drive?
Immediately upon connecting, our system will create a new folder called syncezy.quickbooksWorkforce.com or QuickBooks Workforce in your Google Drive home folder.
If you’ve just connected QuickBooks Workforce it can take up to 24 hours for the initial sync to complete. You should start seeing data in the QuickBooks Workforce folder within 15 minutes. Going forward, ongoing syncs happen every 30 minutes.
Technical Details - Regular Sync
Can I rename file names when they are in my Google Drive account or QuickBooks Workforce?
Yes, you can rename the file within your Google Drive account. When you rename it, it will update in QuickBooks Workforce in the next 5 minutes.
How often does the sync run?
The sync runs every 30 minutes and is triggered when any changes are made to the documents folder in Google Drive.
What if I already have a Google Drive folder for the project?
In order to maintain the integrity of the sync, we have to start the integration from scratch in a new top level folder in Google Drive. Once the initial sync is complete and the data structure is created in Google Drive, you can move your existing data from the existing folders into the syncezy.quickbooksWorkforce.com folders created by SyncEzy.
What if I want only certain folders or files synced from Google Drive or QuickBooks Workforce?
This sort of custom integration is currently not possible in the standard product. We may be able to do some limited customizations to meet your requirements. This will be at an additional cost as it deviates from our standard integration product.
Are there any limits to how much data can be synced?
There are no technical limits to the amount of data that can be synced. We have synced individual projects with over 50,000 files each and over 50 GB of data per project. Our standard plan comes with some fair use limits detailed in your proposal which can be extended upon request and special pricing.
The only hard limit we have is for individual files to be less than 1GB. Typically this would be data like large laser scans (point cloud) of buildings, large drone video captures and special-purpose files. We do not have any file-type restrictions. We can sync and support all file types and data types.
We do not stop syncing the files just because the limit has been reached, this will only ever be done after consultation with you. You do not have to worry about the sync stopping once the limits are reached.
What if I need to change the Google Drive Account?
We currently do not support that for a live sync. You will need to reset or delete the configuration and start from scratch again.
How quickly does the data sync? What is your sync speed?
We sync data every 30 minutes after edits or changes in Google Drive. The time to move the files can depend on the size of the file and the number of files edited. In 98% of cases, this happens within a few minutes.
We do not throttle data transfer speeds from our end, we are only limited by Google Drive or QuickBooks Workforce limits. In most cases, this is done every 5 minutes for hundreds of files at once. Initially, once the projects are connected, the first download can take from 4 to 48 hours depending on the amount of data in QuickBooks Workforce. Once the initial sync is complete every future sync happens automatically, every five minutes, whenever a file change is detected in either system.
Can I rename my files in Google Drive?
Yes, the sync will rename the second system for you.
Best practices around the integration
Do not rename the name of the top-level project name in QuickBooks Workforce
This will create a new top-level folder inside Google Drive. The files will need to be synced again.
Note: if you need to delete a large number of files
If you need to delete a large number of files from both systems, do it manually from both systems. This is because as a safety mechanism, SyncEzy has a delete limit for the maximum number of files that can be deleted through the sync in any 24-hour period.
Once the limit is hit, the sync will not delete any more files and the sync will email the administrator with the path of the files not deleted.
Can I buy additional space? I’m getting an out of space error?
Yes this will be based on your Google Drive account. Please contact your organization's Google Drive account admin for details. We do not have space restrictions for the integration.
Some of my folders look different or have not been synced?
This can occasionally happen when the delete limit has been reached, due to somebody manually deleting a large number of files or a top level folder from one of the systems, and the corresponding data isn’t deleted from the second system. In these cases, reach out to support and we will assist you.
How does your pricing work?
Please contact us for pricing. Pricing is based on the number of Projects and amount of data synced.
Does SyncEzy keep a copy of my data stored?
Your data is only stored on your QuickBooks Workforce account and in your Google Drive account. SyncEzy is only the conduit and does not store any of your organisation's project data files. We only store relevant metadata (file names, folder names and folder paths, sync time, modified time etc) as required for us to manage the integration and syncing the files.
Your files are transferred through our servers for only as long as it takes to pass them from one system to the other. Once the transfer is complete the actual files are automatically deleted. We only store the metadata and the file paths.
This is why if you have any technical issues our support team may ask you to add
support@syncezy.com to the project documents folder so we can review the data. We do not have access to any of your tools or login to your QuickBooks Workforce.
Where is SyncEzy hosted?
Our application and the metadata that we store is hosted securely with Amazon Web Services (AWS). This is the same back end infrastructure system that QuickBooks Workforce uses.
Do the files transferred into cloud storage count towards my cloud storage account storage limits?
Yes, all files & folders synced across will count towards your file storage limits.
How long does it take to transfer my files across?
The integration syncs every 30 minutes as long as the Google Drive file or folder has been edited and saved.
What triggers the files being transferred?
Any changes made to the files or folders will trigger a sync. For example, renaming the file, opening the Word document and saving it, revising it in QuickBooks Workforce, editing a document in Google Drive, deleting the document in either system. All of these changes will trigger the sync, and the older file in either system will be replaced with the current / latest version of the file.
Where do I go to check the settings and billing details on my cloud storage integration?
You can view your settings configurations and any billing details by going to the SyncEzy Portal
here. In the Portal, navigate to Plan Details to see billing details. Contact support to make changes or cancel your service.
Other questions
Have a support question?
We offer three support channels:
Phone - #1 for Support
AUS: +61 2 9136 9448
NZ: +64 9 303 2999
UK: +44 203 670 1109
US: +1 720 500 9302
Have you done this before and what about security of data?
Yes we have, we have been building integrations for the last eight years with over 50 integrations built across various systems. All our communication between systems is fully-encrypted. We do not store your actual data and files on our servers, we only store the IDs / names / and meta data of the records and some minimum information for logging and troubleshooting.
What if I need to use a different cloud storage system other than Google Drive?
Reach out to us at
support@syncezy.com. We are always looking to build more integrations. Chances are that we already have something in our plans.
What if I use a different cloud storage system?
We have worked with a variety of cloud storage systems in building integrations including Sharepoint, Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive and more. If you would like a different system integrated with QuickBooks Workforce, reach out to us and we’ll do the best to help.
What if I use a different timesheets tracking system?
We have worked with a variety of timesheets, job and project management systems in the past, including Aconnex, simPRO, ServiceM8, Field Magic, Service Master, Encircle, Aroflo and more. If you would like the data extracted from a different system reach out to us and we’ll do the best to help.