Introducing Password Regeneration for PowerBI Integrations

Introducing Password Regeneration for PowerBI Integrations

Enhancing Data Security: Introducing Password Regeneration for PowerBI Integrations

In the digital age, ensuring the security of customer data is paramount for any organization. With cyber threats evolving constantly, proactive measures are essential to safeguard sensitive information. Recognizing this need, SyncEzy is proud to announce the launch of a new feature within its portal aimed at bolstering data security – the Password Regeneration Feature.

We have introduced a new feature designed to enhance the security of customer data. This feature empowers clients to regenerate the passwords of their databases, thus adding an extra layer of protection against potential security breaches.

This feature is accessible for the following Power BI integrations:

simPRO to Power BI
QuickBooks Workforce to Power BI
PropertyMe to Power BI
KeyPay to Power BI

Key Features of the Password Regeneration Feature:
  1. Enhanced Password Length: The length of passwords generated through this feature has been increased, adhering to best practices in cybersecurity.
  2. Regular Password Regeneration: It is recommended that clients regenerate their passwords every 180 days to maintain optimal security levels. 

  3. Additionally this password should also be reset when key employees leave who may have had direct database access to this data.

How to Utilize the Password Regeneration Feature:

  1. Accessing SyncEzy Portal: To begin, clients need to log in to their SyncEzy account at
  2. Navigating to your PowerBI Integration Details: On the integration page, navigate to the details tab and locate the connection details.
  3. Regenerate Password: Within the connection details, locate the "Regenerate Password" button. Click on it to generate a new, enhanced password for your database.

  4. Updating Power BI Connection: Once the password is generated, it is crucial to update the connection details in Power BI. This ensures seamless integration and continued data security.

How to Change Database Password in Power BI:

Changing the database password in Power BI is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to update your password:
  1. Open Power BI: Launch the Power BI application on your system.

  2. Navigate to Data Source Settings: In Power BI, navigate to "File" > "Options and settings" > "Data source settings".

  3. Select Data Source: Please choose the database from the provided list that necessitates an update, then proceed to click on the "Edit Permissions" button below. If you are extracting data from simPRO, please note that there will be two databases with the same name, both requiring a password update.

  4. Update Password: In the connection settings, locate the password field and update it with the newly generated password from the SyncEzy portal.

  5. Save Changes: Once the password is updated, click on "OK" to save the changes.

By following these steps, users can ensure that their database connections in Power BI remain secure and up-to-date.


In conclusion, the introduction of the Password Regeneration Feature in SyncEzy portal represents a proactive step towards enhancing data security. By empowering clients to regularly regenerate passwords and providing guidance on updating database connections, SyncEzy aims to bolster the security posture of its users. We encourage all clients to take advantage of this feature and prioritize the security of their valuable data assets.

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