Zoho CRM to Google Sheets integration

Zoho CRM to Google Sheets integration FAQs

This document addresses the variety of questions we encounter while helping clients. If you have a question that’s not addressed her please write to us at support@syncezy.com

About the Zoho CRM to Google Sheets integration

Share Link - https://syncezy.com/google-sheets-zoho-crm-integration/faqs  

How often does the sync run?

The sync runs every night and extracts data from Zoho CRM and makes it available in Google Sheets.

Can it be updated instantly?

No, At this stage, we’re limited by the frequency of Zoho CRM’s database refresh which happens once every 24 hours.

Does SyncEzy build the reports in Google Sheets?

We don't build reports for you. 

We provide the connection and access to data in Google Sheets. You can either build your own reports or there are external service companies who can build the reports for you.  We can refer you to companies who understand Zoho CRM and Google Sheets very well.

Where is the Data Stored? 

The Data is stored in a SyncEzy MySQL server that you can connect to from your Google account.

How secure is the sync?

Short answer: Very secure.

The longer answer, The API keys are encrypted at rest and all our communication with Zoho CRM is through 128 Bit SSL connections.

For servers and back end infrastructure we use the same secure AWS infrastructure that is used by all the world’s leading organizations including Zoho CRM, Procore, etc.

We also offer two-factor authentication for the admin users using the SyncEzy integration.

Accounts and Pricing

Do you offer a free trial?

Unfortunately, due to the amount of work involved in the initial setup, we are unable to offer a free trial.  We can however get together on a call and give you a live demo in as much detail as you need. If you have any specific questions feel free to reach out.

Are there any lock-in contracts?

No contracts, we do not have long-term or annual contracts. We earn our keep every month by providing integration as a service.

What is your pricing?

Please contact us to get pricing. Pricing is dependent on the size of the Zoho CRM Database.

Our pricing is made up of two components: 

  1. The initial one-time setup.

  2. An ongoing monthly fee for the number of records synced.

Other questions

Have a support question?

We offer three support channels: 

Chat - Live Chat (24x5 support) from within your integration portal.  

Phone - #1 for Support
AUS: +61 2 9136 9448 
NZ: +64 9 303 2999 
UK: +44 203 670 1109
US: +1 720 500 9302

Have you done this before and what about the security of data?

Yes, we have, we have been building integrations for the last eight years. With over 50 integrations built across various systems. All our communication between systems is fully encrypted.  We do not store your actual data in our systems, we only store the ids of the records and some minimum information for logging and troubleshooting.  We do not store tenant private data like contact details and property details in our system.

Where is the data stored? 

The data that’s transferred to Google Sheets is stored in their servers that are protected.  SyncEzy stores a minimum amount of log and record ID data to manage the sync, this is stored on SyncEzy’s AWS cloud servers in Sydney.  AWS is the same backend technology used by Zoho. 

All data stored by SyncEzy is accessible to the user from the integration logs data view from their SyncEzy account.

What security measures are in place to ensure the security of information?

All three applications Google Sheets, SyncEzy and Zoho CRM offer the same two-factor authentication as a means to prevent access by a stolen password.  This can be enabled by the users after logging in.

SyncEzy offers an end to end encrypted service so all communications to our site are controlled, Google Sheets and Zoho CRM both offer oAuth 2.0 which follows industry best practice for creating API tokens.

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