Procore-box Set up Instructions

Procore-box Set up Instructions


Streamline your workflow with seamless synchronization between Procore and Box. Our integration facilitates a two-way sync of Procore documents, photos, and folder structures into Box, enhancing accessibility and enabling editing from anywhere, even on your local PC.

Overview of Integration:

Gain the convenience of accessing your project files from either Procore or Box while ensuring consistency across both platforms. Enjoy the benefits of having identical files and folder structures in both places, providing the best of both worlds. Additionally, leverage the integration to back up essential Procore tools such as documents, photos, RFIs, and submittals to your organization's Box account, ensuring data redundancy, compliance with ISO standards, and enhanced backup capabilities.

Setup Steps: 

1) Login to SyncEzy Integration Portal:

  1. Navigate to and log in using your company email address.

2)  Connect Your Integration:
  1. Once logged in, go to "My Integrations" and select "Procore - Box."
  2. Follow the prompts to connect your integration.

3) Enter Procore Account Email Address:

Provide the email address associated with your Procore account.

4)  Enter Box Account Details:

Enter the required details for your Box account to establish the connections.

Adding Projects:

To add projects for synchronization, follow these steps:

  1. Click on "Configuration."
  2. Select "Add Projects to Sync."

Proceed to add the desired projects to synchronize between Procore and Box.

Procore Project Permission : 
To sync projects we just need the authenticated user to have Admin access to a few particular tools (Highlighted below) on the projects. It includes an Admin tool as well as Documents, Photos, RFIs. If you are using a specific Project Permissions Template for all of your projects, then please ensure that access to the below-highlighted tools has been given in that template.

So for all the projects that you will configure, the authenticated user needs to have Admin access to those projects in Procore. Your Admin access on those projects will ensure smooth syncing of files and folders between Procore to box and vice versa.

Support Questions

You can view our Procore-box related FAQs from Click here

Contact Us

We offer three support channels: 

Chat - Live Chat (24x5 support) from within your integration portal.  

Phone - #1 for Support
AUS: +61 2 9136 9448
NZ: +64 9 303 2999
UK: +44 203 670 1109
US: +1 720 500 9302

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