simPRO to SharePoint Integration

simPRO to SharePoint (Two-Way) Integration Overview


This guide will give a detailed overview of every section and tab that you can find in your simPRO to SharePoint integration.



This is the email associated with your SyncEzy account.


This is the URL of your connected simPRO account.

Company ID

This is the connected simPRO company Id.


This is the email associated with connected SharePoint account.

Notification Email

Enabling this toggle will send email notifications of files sync.

Sync Deletes

Enabling this option will allow you to delete files from both systems if you delete it from one. If you delete a file from simPRO, it will delete it from SharePoint. If you delete a file from SharePoint, it will delete it from simPRO. If this option is disabled, deleted files will not be synced and you will have to manually remove it from the other system. You can of course increase or decrease the limit. Once the limit is hit, the sync will not delete any more files and the sync will email the administrator with the path of the files not deleted. The Sync deletes limit will reset after 24 hours. (Please note that the 24-hour deletion limit reset is based on the file deletion time, which means the 24-hour starts from the time you have deleted the file).

Notification Emails

This is the email where you will receive the notifications about your sync status. You can change it or add multiple emails (separate each email with a comma).

Convert simPRO Data To Text  

Enabling these toggles will allow you to convert simPRO job/site/quote to a text file and save it into SharePoint folder for better search and discoverability. 

Default Attachment Settings for new data uploaded from SharePoint to simPRO

Email - This will be set as the Default "Email" Property for new attachments when they are added to simPRO from SharePoint.
Public - This will be set as the Default "Public" Property for new attachments when they are added to simPRO from SharePoint.

Data View

In the Data view tab, you can view data related to the simPRO to SharePoint sync. You can also export them as an Excel spreadsheet.

Sync Status

In this tab, you can view the sync status - success or failure. The sync runs everyday and you will be able to see when it starts and when it completes.

How to setup the Sync: Configuration

The Configuration tab is where you will add your Jobs/Quotes/Sites and select the location in SharePoint you want to sync it to. You can add the project by clicking on "Add Project to Sync", once clicked please follow the below.
1. Select any of the available tools Jobs/Quotes/Sites that you would like to sync.
2. Select the SharePoint site where you would like sync the data to.
3. Navigate to the folder you want to sync to. Note: There will be a red text saying "You can't select this location" if you have selected an invalid location.
4. If a valid location is selected then you will have a button to select the location.
5. Click on the save button to add the project to sync.

File Manager

Under the File Manager tab, you can view your files in both simPRO and SharePoint.

Here is an overview of the File Manager menu, based on the screenshot below.
1. Select the tool to view files Jobs/Quotes/Sites.
2. Enter the tool no. to view files
3. Click on search button to fetch the files
4. This is a link that will take you directly to the tool URL in simPRO
5. The left side is a list and count of all files from simPRO tool.
6. The right side is a list and count of all files and folders in the SharePoint location.
7. The green tick marks indicate that the files/folders are synced and matching between both systems. If it is not matching or synced, it will appear with a red cross and the text in either the simPRO or SharePoint side will be grey.
8. This button will push a manual sync for the folder you are in. Please use it only as a backup option.

Plan Details

The Plan Details tab is a summary of your current subscription status. Below is a brief explanation of each text box.

Customer Name

This is the name you signed up with on the integrations portal.

Customer Email

This is the email you signed up with on the integrations portal

Plan Name

This is your integration plan name.

Plan Code

This is the code we use internally and it is related to the plan name.

Plan Price

This will show the amount you paid for the integration, depending on the plan tier and how long you have chosen to subscribe for.

Interval of Subscription and Interval - unit of subscription

These two fields are related and specify how many months or years you have opted to subscribe for.

Next Bill Date

This field specifies the next date you will be billed for the subscription.

Subscription ID and Subscription Number

These two fields are the references to your subscription. If you have any issues with your subscription, you can give either of these to SyncEzy's support team to help you check.


The FAQ button will link you to the simPRO to SharePoint Two-Way FAQ document.

Have a support question?

We offer three support channels: 

Chat - Live Chat (24x5 support) from within your integration portal.  

Phone - #1 for Support
AUS: +61 2 9136 9448 
NZ: +64 9 303 2999 
UK: +44 203 670 1109
US: +1 720 500 9302

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